Course Info: HACU-0206

CourseHACU-0206 Contemp Dan Tech-2 Half Course
Long TitleContemporary Dance Technique 2: Beginning/Intermediate
Note(s) Textbook information
Meeting InfoMusic and Dance Building MAIN on T,TH from 5:00-6:20
FacultyGabriella Carmichael
Cumulative Skill(s)
Additional InfoHalf Course Students should expect to spend 2-4 hours weekly on work and preparation outsidof class time.
DescriptionThis course is designed for beginning and intermediate level dancers. The studio will be our laboratory for a semester-long exploration of contemporary dance concepts with a focus on opening sensation, clarifying points of initiation in the body, expansive use of space, and dynamic phrase-work. In motion, we will activate connection between periphery and center, time and weight, gravity and support-giving continued attention to alignment, spatial clarity, breath, range of motion, and the development of strength and stamina. In this course, a sampling of somatic techniques and knowledges will be introduced as a complement to dance technique. These somatic practices offer inroads to experiencing presence & sensation, examining one's habits and patterns, and expanding one's approach to the body. You will also be asked to reflect on the histories and knowledge you bring into class, articulate learning ambitions, and track new developments. The goal of this course is to support a sustainable and deeply engaged movement practice-one that may inform the development of a lifetime of embodied creative process.

Keywords:dance, somatics, technique, movement, body