Course Info: NS-0235

CourseNS-0235 Methods in Molecular Biology
Long TitleMethods in Molecular Biology
Note(s) Textbook information
Meeting InfoCole Science CenterüCole Science Center 2-MOLCü2-OPEN on MüM from 1:00-4:00ü1:00-4:00
FacultyJohn Castorino
Cumulative Skill(s)
Additional InfoStudents should expect to spend 8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time
DescriptionThis introductory laboratory-intensive course will explore the process of doing scientific research in a molecular biology lab (which is relevant to many fields of science including neuroscience and other types of biomedical research). Students will learn numerous techniques in the lab, including DNA isolation, PCR, gel electrophoresis, restriction enzyme digests, cloning, and basic microscopy. Students will engage in a semester-long laboratory research project within a cancer biology gene cloning context. Students will perform protocols, collect and analyze data, and report their conclusions in written and oral formats. This course is intended for students with little or no experience in a biology lab, and it will help prepare students for other laboratory courses such as Cell Biology. Students must be able to come into the laboratory to complete work 10-12 hours per week in the laboratory, including coming in outside of designated class time.

Keywords:Laboratory research, genetic engineering, cloning, neuroscience, cancer