Course Info: CSI-0249

CourseCSI-0249 Anthropologies of Climate Chan
Long TitleAnthropologies of Climate Change: crisis, resilience and denial in a global world
Note(s) Textbook information
Meeting InfoFranklin Patterson Hall 105 on T,TH from 2:30-3:50
FacultyNathalie Arnold
Cumulative Skill(s)
Additional InfoStudents are expected to spend a minimum of 6-8 hours of work outside of class time per week BOOKS: Title:A Bigger Picture My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis Author:Vanessa Nakate ISBN: ?0358654505 Cost:12.29

While the climate crisis presents urgent scientific challenges, climate issues are also deeply political, economic, cultural, and epistemological. While news outlets routinely cover climate events in Europe and the USA, far less is said about the colonial histories and entrenched inequalities that put communities of color at far greater risk of climate-related devastation. Despite producing a minute fraction of the world's carbon emissions, historically marginalized communities consistently suffer the worst effects of planetary warming. Grounded in contemporary anthropology, this course asks: How do marginalized communities across the world respond to climate inequalities? What alternative visions and modes of co-existence might diverse meteorologies and ways of constructing 'nature' suggest? How does 'climate denial' emerge, and what does climate justice look like? We will consider sources from: Botswana, Namibia, Uganda, Zanzibar, the Amazon, Palestine, India, Bangladesh, Norway, and Puerto Rico. This course counts toward the Five College African Studies Certificate KEYWORDS:Climate, ethnography, Africana, Africa, Global South