Course Info: NS-0119

CourseNS-0119 Injustice and Health
Long TitleInjustice and Health: Explorations in How Inequalities Cause Poor Nutrition and Health
Note(s) Textbook information
Meeting InfoCole Science Center 333 on T,TH from 1:00-2:20
FacultyAlan Goodman
Cumulative Skill(s)
Additional InfoStudents should generally expect to spend 6-8 hours a week on work outside of class.

How does injustice get under the skin?  In this course we started with data showing the connections between inequalities and measures of health such as rates of COVID-19 and infant mortality. We explored changes in the US over time and compare the US to other countries. We finally focused on understanding the processes, such as epigenetics, pollution and implicit racisms, by which inequalities are causally linked to health. 

The main two goals were to get students to better understand how to critically evaluate primary scientific studies and to complete a semester project on a topic related to the course topic.