Course Info: HACU-0207-2

CourseHACU-0207-2 Video I: Idea to Experience
Long TitleVideo I: From Idea to Experience
Note(s) Prerequisites Required
Limited to Div II/III Students
Textbook information
Meeting InfoJerome Liebling CenterüJerome Liebling Center 131ü120 on THüM from 9:00-11:50ü5:00-7:00
FacultyPatricia Montoya
Cumulative Skill(s)Independent Work
Multiple Cultural Perspectives
Additional InfoLab fee: $65. In this course, students are expected to spend approximately 8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time.

Video I is an introductory video production course. Over the course of the semester, students will gain experience in pre-production, production, and post-production techniques to allow them to create narratives and non-fiction video projects. Projects are designed to develop basic technical proficiency in the video medium as well as the necessary working skills and mental discipline so important to a successful working process. This semester, the course focuses on writing and it will introduce students to the ways in which writing and meaning are created in moving images through concepts such as mise-en-scene, composition, and lighting. From idea to pitch, from script to production, students will develop a treatment and production schedule to produce three short dialogue or interview-driven videos. Through screenings and selected readings, students will gain historical knowledge of the video medium, marking video as a distinct medium from film. Students will be required to write original non-fiction and fiction scripts and will assemble a crew. Emphasis will be made on the writing process and rewriting of treatments that will delineate concept, process, self-reflection, and style. Critiques and feedback will be based on in-class collaboration, production skills and issues of representation. The projects produced in class will pay particular attention to creative risk-taking, critical analysis and to projects that give voice to under-represented people or social justice issues.