Course Info: HACU-0299

CourseHACU-0299 Division II Projects
Long TitleDivision II Projects
Note(s) Instructor Permission Required
Prerequisites Required
Textbook information
Meeting InfoJerome Liebling Center 131 on M from 1:00-3:50
FacultyAbraham Ravett
Cumulative Skill(s)Independent Work
Multiple Cultural Perspectives
Writing and Research
Additional InfoLab fee: $75. Prerequisites: Film I, Photo I, or Video I. In this course, students are expected to spend approximately 6 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time.

The Division II Projects class provides an opportunity for Division II students in film, photography, video, and related media who wish to pursue their own work to create at least one completed new project for inclusion in the Division II portfolio. Throughout the semester, each student is required to present his or her work in it's various stages of development. The members of the class will provide critical, technical and production support for one another. Prior to joining the class, students must have some level of mastery over their medium. Readings, screenings, artist presentations, and workshops that address conceptual approaches, working methods, and specific problems faced by class members in developing the works-in-progress will contribute to the participant's overall experience of the class. All of these activities, including active verbal contributions to all sessions, are required of each student under the guiding principle that tracking each other's intellectual and creative process will help each person develop their respective project. This course provides a structured context in which to do independent work at the Division II level.

In addition, students were required to submit weekly written responses to the film screenings and corresponding readings as well as a statement of intent for the semester long project.