Course Info: IA-0305

CourseIA-0305 Angle of Ascent: Robert Hayden
Long TitleAngle of Ascent: The Poetry of Robert Hayden
Note(s) Textbook information
Meeting InfoEmily Dickinson Hall 4 on TH from 6:00-9:00
FacultyJohn Murillo
Cumulative Skill(s)Independent Work
Multiple Cultural Perspectives
Writing and Research
Additional InfoIn this course, students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time. This time includes reading, writing, and research.

Although he published relatively little in his lifetime, Robert Hayden is widely considered a leading figure in African-American poetry. In this advanced level craft seminar, poets will perform close readings of Hayden's poems as well as those of his predecessors (Auden, Hughes, Yeats) and progeny (Komunyakaa, Wright, Hayes), always with an eye toward "stealing" techniques that may enhance our own work. Prerequisite: Students must have taken at least one poetry workshop prior to enrolling in this course.